Unite Muslims Homepage

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Introduction to Unite Muslims Blog


Unite Muslims flag fotoAt last I decided to write a blog. So here it is -the Unite Muslims blog, my first blog. Writing a blog as a step towards uniting Muslims has been at the back of my mind for several months. Unfortunately it wasn’t till today I finally decided to cut the Gordian knot. I am not much of a writer but I think I'll be able to develop my writing skills in the process and voice my convictions more clearly. Inshaallah this is going to be a new experience to me. Well, first things first. Why did I start this blog? What are my objectives?

Why did I start this blog?

The answer is easy as well as sad. Sometime back I remember reading in an old magazine about the Bosnian tragedy in the early 1990s. Around 50,000 Bosnian Muslim women were raped and numerous other atrocities were done to the helpless Bosnian Muslims. Yet hardly any Muslim country or movement took sufficient action to stop this horrible crime against Muslims. It seems all had washed their hands-off leaving everything to the United Nations and some small-scale individual efforts by some Muslims.

Now a decade and a half later one would expect things to have changed. But has anything changed? For the past three weeks, Israel has been bombarding Lebanon, they allege is in response to the abduction of two of their soldiers by Lebanon base Hezbollah organization. But the scale of their military operations shows a very different picture. I may be wrong (as I have been more than I like to confess); it looks like this latest ‘invasion’ of Israel is nothing but the next stage of their long-term plan (more accurately the next stage of their well planed strategy).

Okay, we’ll talk about it another time maybe. Nevertheless this latest atrocity by Israel against this small war-torn country wouldn’t have happened if our Muslim brothers and sisters, our Muslim leaders had stood up for Lebanon, as they rightly should! Israel or any other country would dare not touch a Muslim land if Muslims were united. To recall an old idioms “Union is strength” as well as ‘United we stand divided we fall’. So as you would have guessed Unite Muslims blog is an effort in the direction of uniting Muslims. Allhamdulillah, I am happy to be writing this blog and participate actively with many thousands of Muslims around the globe working towards Muslim unity.

What is the objective of Unite Muslims blog?

The objective of this blog is to create awareness about the challenges Muslims are facing, the sufferings our brothers and sisters in various parts of the world are undergoing daily, working towards Muslim unity and spreading Islamic awareness by examining the world with Islamic objectives. Inshaallah from this humble effort I hope to create a desire, a deep craving among Muslims to put aside their differences and unite in the name of almighty Allah for a better world for all.

After starting Unite Muslims I have also become a member of the community blog - Muslim Unity


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