Unite Muslims Homepage

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Unite Muslims has Moved to a New Blog

Thanks to everyone who has read this blog. After 7 months of blogging here I've moved on to WordPress. Insha'Allah from today onward you can find me at: http://1muslimnation.wordpress.com. Inshallah I hope to post more on Islam, politics, Muslims, news etc. in it. Hope to see you their.


I've also transfered all my old posts to it. But unfortunately I had to leave behind the comments because currently there is no clearcut automated way to transfer anything between the New Blogger version and Wordpress blogs (...how I regret having upgraded to newblogger only a month ago, it would have being so easy to transfer everything if it wasn't for this)

Please, if I happen to appear on your blogroll, update your bookmarks and edit my link.

Also please keep 1MuslimNationBlog in your prayers and ask Dua from Allah to make it a means through which the message of Islam spreads and

Your brother in Islam